English version below
> privește cerul. why now? slow motion. poți să faci haiku din mișcare? table în cișmigiu. sensibilitate diferită, calm. confuzie, surpriză. potato & onion song. fantomă plutitoare japoneză. human error song. narghilea. roșia montană, O sukue / roșia montană, O mamore. dozo. < (fragmente de jurnal româno-japonez)
Marți, 17 septembrie, de la 19:00 arătăm și povestim la ZonaD ce a însemnat prima rezidență artistică din cadrul programului de colaborare româno-japonez Eastern Connection. Participă coregrafii Zan Yamashita (Kyoto), Mikiko Kawamura (Tokyo), Cosmin Manolescu & Mihaela Dancs.
Intrare liberă în limita locurilor disponibile.
Eastern Connection este un program organizat de Fundația Gabriela Tudor în parteneriat cu Teatrul Aoyama din Tokyo, cu susținerea The Saison Foundation, Tokyo. Proiect cultural finanțat de Administrația Fondului Cultural Național. Partener asociat: Centrul Național al Dansului București.
Parteneri media: Șapte Seri, Zeppelin, Scena.ro, ArtAct magazine, Tataia, Modernism, ArtClue, Romania Pozitivă
*** English version
On Tuesday, September 17th, from 19:00 we have the pleasure to invite you at ZonaD studio (Bucharest, 3 Iulia Hasdeu St.) to a sharing process presentation of the artistic residency organised in the frame of the Romanian-Japanese dance programme Eastern Connection. Participants are Japanese choreographers Zan Yamashita (Kyoto) and Mikiko Kawamura (Tokyo), and Romanian choregraphers Cosmin Manolescu & Mihaela Dancs (Bucharest). We look forward to seeing you soon.
> look at the sky. why now? slow motion. can you make a haiku from movement? table game in cismigiu park. different sensibility, calm. confusion, surprise. potato & onion song. floating Japanese phantom. human error song. water pipe. rosia montana, O sukue / rosia montana, O mamore. dozo. < (fragments from a Romanian-Japanese diary)
Eastern Connection is a Romanian – Japanese collaboration project in the field of contemporary dance initiated by choregrapher Cosmin Manolescu, gathering artists, producers, programmers and dance writers, to be developed between 2013-2015. The project represents the first cooperation platform in the field of dance between Romania and Japan and aims at facilitating and stimulating the connection between contemporary dance communities from the two countries.
Eastern Connection is a programme organised by Gabriela Tudor Foundation in partnership with Aoyama Theatre Tokyo, with support from The Saison Foundation, Tokyo. Cultural project funded by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund. Associate partner: National Dance Centre Bucharest.
Media partners: Șapte Seri, Zeppelin, Scena.ro, ArtAct magazine, Tataia, Modernism, ArtClue, Romania Pozitivă
Program @ zonadstudio.wordpress.com / Contact: serial.paradise@artsf.ro / +40 740 300 124